The Stockholm Program: An open and secure Europe serving the citizen (as drafted by Swedish Presidency 6 October) [Update]

Update 19th October: This leaked document has significant differences to the official one, released 10 days later. Statewatch yesterday analysed the changes.

(DRAFT 6/10.2009)

The Challenges Ahead Towards a Citizens Europe in the Area of  freedom, security and justice

The European Council endorses the Stockholm Program, which sets out the priority actions for the next five years and beyond in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the Union will become more open, more efficient and more democratic. The Institutions will have increased opportunities for achieving the ambitious goals set out in the program, while increasing the possibilities that efficient implementation is made in the member states.

The Lisbon Treaty should be used to the fullest extent possible.

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